Climate Heroes 2025

Engage your community in fun climate action

Climate Heroes supports community groups and organisations to reduce their carbon footprint in a fun and engaging way. In 2023 and 2024, we supported over 100 community groups from 18 counties around Ireland to take climate action and start conversations for how their groups to go further together. 

Together, communities across Ireland took over 100,000 climate friendly actions and saved over 80 tonnes of CO2e over the course of the two week challenges. If everyone in Ireland did the same over a year, we'd reduce down our impact by 25%. 

Its really the power of taking small actions and doing it together. 

About Climate Heroes

Climate Heroes is team-based climate challenge. Together with other members of your community, you will learn about and take simple actions on the drivers of climate change.

  • Investigate and challenge the forces driving climate change
  • Join with allies and compete to reduce carbon emission
  • Capture your actions using powerful technology

Best of all, this competition is fun, engaging, and habit-forming - and fully free to community groups and organisations in Ireland!


What’s involved?

  • Contact us to see if there is a challenge running in your county
  • Log climate friendly actions during the two week challenge, and encourage your team to do the same.
  • Reflect, debrief, and pat yourself on the back!

Contact us to get a challenge going in your county

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Contact us to find out more

Still not sure what this is all about? Drop us a quick email or fill out the form below and we'll get in touch!


2024 Challenge Leaderboard

Watch in real time the power of collective climate action. Teams from over 20 counties nationwide compete to be the 2024 Climate Heroes Champions. 

Click on the drop down menu saying "All Counties" and select All Teams to see the Team vs Team Leaderboard or each respective county to see the county specific leaderboard. 

Which team will be the Climate Heroes Champions this year? Which county will be the All Ireland Climate Heroes winners? Watch it all unfold here!


Inspiring others!

In 2023, third-placed Climate Heroes Myrtle Coast Volunteers made this excellent video showing others some of the ways they managed to reduce their emissions during the Climate Heroes Competition!


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About Global Action Plan

Climate Heroes is a new and innovative programme that supports communities around Ireland to take informed climate decisions. Find out more about Global Action Plan at our website.


About the platform

Climate Heroes is powered by Ducky.

Discover concrete ways for you and your team mates to reduce CO₂ emissions and make climate action part of your everyday life. Easy and effective habits - at home and at work.

